Two New Paintings


Cloud Over Water, 36x48in, oil on canvas, 2024
Cloud Pouring Into Water, 36x48in, oil on canvas, 2024

I just finished two new paintings,

Cloud Pouring Into Water, 36x48in, oil on canvas, 2024 and

Cloud Over Water, 36x48in, oil on canvas, 2024.

Both are a continuation or maturing of a series of works I have been working on that portray and begin as quick images I initially sketched at

Georgian Bay, Point Au Baril, Ontario.

Over the last few years, I have been creating a series of paintings and drawings that explore the relationship and symbolism of water, land and sky and how colour, form and light interact on the surface to portray the at times intense relationship between these elements. These two works are much more abstract and have journeyed away from the simple renderings of the landscape that initially intrigued me, towards paintings with more layers and blocks of colours that initially invite the viewer in, then takes them on a sometimes gritty and rough abstract journey over and through the canvas, pigments and brush work, square inch by square inch.

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